Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Focusing on Sleep & Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Discover the real reason you are clenching or grinding your teeth.

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TMJ pain Richmond
orofacial myofunctional therapy

Have you noticed any of the following?

  • Teeth grinding?
  • Clenching?
  • Head and Neck Tension?
  • Tongue feels too large?
  • Tongue thrust?
  • Fidgeting?
  • Not following directions?
  • Easily distracted?
  • Open mouth?
  • Heavy or Loud breathing? 
  • Snoring?
  • Restless sleep?
  • Nightmares?
  • Bedwetting?
  • Emotional Outbursts? 
  • Getting in trouble at school?
  • Daytime sleepiness?
  • Anxiety?
  • Hyperactivity?
  • Difficulty falling asleep? 
  • Waking in a tangle of sheets?
  • Hard to wake up?
  • Wakes up in a bad mood?
  • Excessive sweating?
  • Crooked teeth?
  • Nail biting?

If so, the muscles of the mouth and face may not be working properly.

I want to hear your story! 

Contact Me Today
TMJ pain

Everyone deserves to be Pain Free!

Do you ever wonder why your TMJ, face or neck pain keeps coming back?  Stress may be the major player, but there may be other reasons.  

I specialize in identifying changes in the structures of the face and mouth that lead to grinding, clenching and disruptions during sleep.

Proper function is essential to remain pain free.    

Learn how weak muscles in the mouth may be driving your behavior and even affecting your sleep.


What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

Orofacial myofunctional therapy is more than just tongue thrust therapy.  The goal is to correct the improper function of the tongue and facial muscles by using targeted exercises for oral posture retraining.  Strengthening the tongue and facial muscles makes it easier to keep the tongue on the roof of the mouth, stop the tongue from resting on the teeth, keep lips closed, eliminate a tongue thrust and breathe through the nose.

Myofunctional therapy works for all ages.  Your body is always changing and remodeling itself—and orofacial myofunctional therapy capitalizes on the fact that your jawbones are among the most dynamic bones in the entire body. That means they’re more receptive to the forces released when performing therapeutic exercises.

Of all the treatment options available, myofunctional therapy is probably the least invasive. In many cases, all we’re talking about is performing some simple exercises for a few minutes a day. You can often do these exercises anytime and anywhere you want. Do them while you’re watching TV or while you’re cooking dinner. You can even do them while driving to school or work.

I work with children and teenagers too! How do I know if my child needs orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Benefits of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

  • Reduction in teeth grinding
  • Reduction in head and neck tension
  • Better sleep
  • Nasal breathing 
  • Better mood
  • Better focus and attention
  • Decrease in hyperactivity
  • Less snoring
  • Straighter teeth
orofacial myofunctional therapy-Richmond

A personalized approach to Myofunctional Therapy in Richmond

The whole-body connection. In less than 90 minutes, you’ll discover if your lips, tongue or jaw muscles are contributing to clenching, grinding, TMJ pain, snoring, lack of concentration, sleep apnea, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, bedwetting, mood swings, depression, or anxiety.
Midlo Myo 5 star testimonial

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I’m here to help. Request a callback today!